Strictly Silk: A Revelation

Y’all are amazing!!! We are so very grateful to all the amazing folk who were at #StrictlySilk, and for all the many others who supported the event by buying tickets for friends: thank you especially to the amazing @TugenGirl, and the wonderful Natasha Kimani of Well Told Story for buying tickets for other people to come even though you couldn’t come yourselves! Thanks to all who spread the word and sent us messages of support. We are so grateful for the love!
We danced, ate, drank, made new friends, totally enjoyed ourselves while feeling safe! We were able to raise Ksh 100,000 through ticket sales and direct donations that will all go towards Jahmby Koikai’s healthcare costs. A eternal shout out to Joan who fixed the lights during the event, and Wanjeri Gakuru, the new Managing Editor at Jalada, who bought the gooiest, most chocolatey cake to share with us all!
Special thanks go to our own Ziggie and DJ Ca$hy, as well as to DJ Coco Em, Shishi, DJ Vidza and Miss Ray - the 6-strong squad of incredible women DJs who all made the night come alive and kept us dancing till after midnight. Many thanks to our lovely vendors that all brought something special to the event: Terra Cold Pressed Juice (fresh juice), Fresh & More (venue, catering and bar), Naddya of Sunflower Pictures (live illustrations), Lindsay of ah_this (body painting), Olive & Annie (jewelry), Gspot Kenya (pleasure merchants and advocates) and ZAZI Bar (alkaline juice cocktails).
To our partners: ZUMI, our media partner, who know how to work and party equally hard - thank you. We would also like to thank Uber for providing the STRICTLYSILK discount code to all party goers, all our women bouncers, APs and security guards who held the fort, as well as Ivy and Joan who manned the Mookh desk for ticketing. We’re also super grateful for 910 James Gichuru Road for being such a wonderful venue. Lyra Aoko (photography) and Bo Muigai (Videographer) thank you for capturing the beautiful #StrictlySilk memories.
We know many of you were asking us when the next #StrictlySilk is - we will definitely be back in early 2019! We will also have many other events as part of our exploration about how to get people physically together beyond online community, via different themes, dress codes, activities and vibes.
So YES, a bigger and better second edition of #StrictlySilk is most definitely loading! Thank you again for trusting us, and we cannot wait to make your 2019!