A selection of our moving image works were screened at the Performa 17 biennial last month, and though we were not in attendance, we were very happy to read this review by Amirah Mercer via Okayafrica, and were especially glad at this mention of When We Are/When We Are Not:
“The film explores public black silence and stillness as it relates to methods of protest. It is especially relevant as Colin Kaepernick’s silent protest against police brutality continues to polarize white and black populations. The mostly white owners thought banning Kaepernick from playing in the NFL would smolder his dissent; instead, its fanned the flames, inspiring a global movement.
When We Are/When We Are Not emphasizes this point: even when black bodies are still, our presence alone speaks volumes. If The Nest Collective is telling us anything, it’s that our voices, whether figurative or literal, are more powerful than we realize.”
When We Are/When We Are Not is one of our quieter pieces, and we were so glad that the thoughts we were exploring with this piece - about the stillness of black bodies and our inner lives - was seen (if not heard) in a city far away.